Psychiatry : Consultation : Psychoanalysis : Clinical Supervision

Supervision & teaching

Empowering peer development

clinical supervision

Colleagues seek my supervision in two primary ways:

  1. Practice building consultation. This design and implementation work is rooted in my management and policy training, experiences providing ‘medical necessity criteria’ peer reviews, and organizational consultation and leadership team development (this is usually a 1-2 month project); and

  2. On-going psychotherapy supervision. I deeply enjoy ongoing supervision for colleagues from diverse clinical training and experiences. Supervisees usually try out and then work with me weekly. We focus on developing your sustainable balance of the primary tenants of psychotherapy and/or psychiatry. I charge your average session fee; and I directly empower supervisees to understand and be facile with the business plan foundation of your service of patients and clients.

Practicing within a private or organizational clinical practice is rewarding; and it can be intensely challenging. Support and collaboration through supervision fundamentally improves effective clinical and administrative work. My supervision helps create, clarify, and sustain your most satisfying and fulfilling work possible. Work with me as a supervisor is usually joyful, empowering, and actively creative.

current affiliations

Oregon Psychoanalytic Center; Teaching Faculty

Oregon Health & Science University; Intensive Psychotherapy Supervisor, Psychiatry Department

Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute; Guest Faculty, Course Instructor

China American Psychoanalytic Alliance; Teaching Faculty and Independent Supervisor

workshop facilitation

During the last twenty years, I have led effective local, national, and international retreats. This work has proven to: create deep personal transformation, define and reverse physician and clinician burn out, identify and create tenable change for entrenched organizational performance challenges, and more effectively improve disparities in health.

I facilitate independently or with your leadership team didactic and/or immersive opportunities in strategic planning, contemplative medicine, health management, and lgbtqia+ health competency.

If you think I can help your or your organization’s work, please contact me.